Search Results for "aide"


Elimidate: The Aftermath - PDF

Elimidate: The Aftermath
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Lopo)

When a frustrated young man gets fed-up with the overabundance of strong, powerful girls on TV dating shows, he decides to join one himself and prove it's all Fake! Though power packed gymnast Cindy (from our previous Room Raiders story) has other ideas, as she shows him first-hand just how strong girls today have become, allowing him to see and feel from her rock solid form (and those of her Amazonian BFFs, Allison and Becky) just how powerful today's females truly are - and how futile fighting that fact is! Unreal color artwork from Lopo on this story!

frustrated young man fed-up overabundance strong powerful girls TV dating shows join prove Fake power packed gymnast Cindy Room Raiders other ideas first-hand rock solid form Amazonian BFFs Allison Becky powerful females futile fighting fact Unreal color artwork Lopo

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Cyndi (Part 3) - PDF

Cyndi (Part 3)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Sean Porter, Artwork: Rag-Man)

Cyndi the sexy super-girl is back! Her favorite pastime is finding new and creative ways to use her super strength to have wild and passionate sex with her boyfriend. First she shows up two conceited musclemen on the beach, then she and her man stop to aide a stranded motorist which quickly turns into a heated and sweaty threesome. You'll have to read this awesome Sean Porter story for yourself to believe it, with incredible illustrations by Rag-Man only serve to up the Wow Factor!

Cyndi sexy super-girl back favorite pastime finding new creative ways super strength wild passionate sex boyfriend shows up conceited musclemen beach stop aide stranded motorist heated sweaty threesome read awesome Sean Porter story incredible illustrations Rag-Man Wow Factor

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